Ringing Telephone

There are currently 3 ways to report an absence. Para reportar una ausencia hay 3 opciones. 

Options to report an absence

1. Complete the following form/Llene el formulario:

Absence Reporting

Student Name (First,Last) - Nombre completo del estudiante(required)

Grade - Grado

Reason for the absence - Razón por la ausencia(required)

Teacher - Nombre del maestro

Do you have a doctor's note? ¿Tiene una nota del doctor? (Please turn in to Health Office)(required)

In case we need to contact you, what is the best number to reach you at? En caso de que tengamos que contactarle, a qué número le podemos llamar?

Your name & relationship to the student(required)

Parent Email

Date of absence(s) - Fecha de la ausencia(s)(required)

Security Measure

If you completed the form above and clicked Submit, you are done reporting your child's absence. Thank You! Si lleno la informacion de arriba e hizo click en "Submit", ha reportado la ausencia de su estudiante. Gracias!

2.) Email: [email protected]  (mandar correo)

  • Provide the student's name, teacher, reason and date for the absence. Mande el nombre del estudiante, razon de la ausencia y fecha.

3.) Dial the school phone number (619) 422-8374 and press 2

  • Say the student's name, teacher, reason and date for the absence. Diga el nombre del estudiante, razon de la ausencia y fecha